Friday, October 31, 2014

The first anime i ever got into was fullmetal alchemist, the story fallows 2 brothers that lost their who have lost part or all of their body. Their journy is about getting their body's back and doing anything to get them back, this idea of doing anything to get their body's back change trough when they found out what the philosopher stone was made of. the philosopher stone is made up of human souls. They made a pack that they would never use a philosopher stone to bring get back their body's, although it made much simpler and they wouldn't have to sacrifice their door of truth. The door of truth is god himself or the universe, is leaf, water, fire, it is life, only sertain people have the abilty to manipulate matter. This people are called alchemist, there is one taboo that alchemist cannot make and it is not to bring a human m back to life